Code of Ethics for TWP, CWP, CMWP 2019 - AACWP - American Association of Certified Wedding Planners AACWP – American Association of Certified Wedding Planners

Making dreams into reality every day.

Below is the Code of Ethics for all TWP, CWP, and CMWP members.

As a member of AACWP it is my duty to:

  • Commit to personal conduct, professional behaviors and business practices that are ethical and legal.
  • Be truthful in all advertising.
  • Be honest with prospective clients about previous wedding experiences. Also, be accurate and document the expected fees and services to be rendered in a written agreement.
  • Commit to continuing education and sharing of ideas among AACWP members.
  • Avoid making false statements about other AACWP members or other wedding professionals.
  • Decline income from vendors that would influence vendor recommendations to clients. Instead, all endorsements will be based on the best interest of the client.
  • Work in a respectful manner with other wedding professionals, while providing leadership to the wedding team and advocacy for the client.