Making dreams into reality every day.

Membership Eligibility

Any applicant who has completed an approved course of study, and whose primary focus within the wedding industry is wedding planning, may apply for membership.


Becoming a Trained Wedding Planner

Granted after successful completion of:

1. AACWP membership eligibility requirement stated above

2. Application completion, including stated approval of AACWP's Code of Ethics

3. Board approval

4. Payment of AACWP's membership fees


Becoming a Certified Wedding Planner

CWP status may be granted to independent wedding planners, catering managers or church coordinators as long as the applicant can fully meet the following criteria:

1. Completion of one (1) year of TWP membership in good standing to include attendance at four (4) education meetings.

2. Proof of full-service wedding planning of three (3) recent weddings within the past 18-month period. Provide copies of a signed agreement between the planner and the bride for each wedding, a wedding planning calendar or timeline for each wedding, a budget for each wedding, and verification of planning meetings with at least two vendors for each bride.

3. If the applicant is a current TWP member and took the AACWP training course, he or she must have completed two mentorships with current CWP’s or CMWP’s on the mentor list of AACWP. The evaluation forms should be included from both mentorships. Wedding planners who are active and have been certified by a board-approved wedding certification course have the option to request that a current CWP or CMWP mentor observe two of their weddings in lieu of the mentorships with an AACWP mentor.

4. Supply copies of the following:

a. Two letters of referrals or appreciation notes from Brides whose weddings were within the last twelve (12) months.

b. Business license or Tax ID number

c. Proof of current general liability insurance

d. Evidence of advertising, including a copy of such

e. Evidence of an account established with two national suppliers

5. OUT OF STATE APPLICANTS AND APPLICANTS FROM 50 MILES OUTSIDE OF THE DFW AREA. A CWP applicant, from out of state or 50 miles outside of the DFW area, formerly trained by AACWP or another approved certification course, is not required to complete two mentorships in Dallas. This applicant shall provide proof of six (6) recent full-service weddings within the past 24-month period. Along with the completed application forms, included shall be copies of a signed agreement between the planner and the bride for each wedding, a wedding planning calendar or timeline for each wedding, a budget for each wedding and verification of planning meetings with at least two vendors for each bride. Copies should also be submitted for all items under #5 above to complete the application for Certified Wedding Planner.

6. AACWP application processing fee ~ $50 ~ Applicant will be invoiced upon receipt of materials.


Becoming a Certified Master Wedding Planner

1. Must be an active AACWP Certified Wedding Planner for a period of five (5) consecutive years.

2. Must serve at least one full term (two years) of office on the AACWP Board of Directors.

3. Written recommendation from two (2) CMWP members in good standing. Contact AACWP’s Membership Chairperson for a list of these members.

4. Provide documentation or a portfolio of three (3) recent full-service weddings completed within the past 24 months. The following information should be included:

a. Signed agreement between the planner and the bride

b. Wedding calendar or timeline

c. Wedding budget

d. Vendor contact list

e. Verification of planning meetings with two vendors

f. Photographs of the weddings prepared as an inspiration board not to exceed one page. Include the contact information for the photographer.

5. Successful completion of written examination

6. Oral interview with a panel of AACWP members. During the interview, the applicant will give a short presentation based on a topic related to the applicant's experience and expertise in a format of choice such as PowerPoint, hand out, or discussion, in which the applicant can relate their experience in such a way that would be useful to others in the industry. This topic must be board-approved prior to the presentation.

7. Publication of advice in a book, news article or magazine. Provide a copy of one of these documents.

8. Preparation and presentation of a wedding-related educational program. Provide a copy of the presentation, the date and time of the presentation, and the name and contact number of the organization to which it was presented.

9. Letters of recommendation from three (3) vendors. AACWP will provide a form as a guideline for recommendation and information to complete this form.

10. AACWP application processing fee ~ $75 ~ Applicant will be invoiced upon receipt of materials.